Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas
Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas is a pelvic floor physical therapist in Dedham, MA. She's not one to shy away from taboo topics. From bladder problems to bowel movements to sex, Alicia is always game to talk through the dirty details to help patients figure out what's going on down there. To this end, she created and directs multiple social media platforms where she spreads evidence-based pelvic health information in humorous and relatable ways.
@ThePelvicHealthLadies on Instagram and @thepelvicdancefloor on TikTok have over 550k combined followers. She and her content have been featured in podcasts, magazines, blogs, and on television.
Alicia is originally from Florida and received both her doctorate degree in Physical Therapy and her undergraduate degree in Health Science from the University of Florida (Go Gators!). She moved to Massachusetts at the end of 2018, and now manages a team of pelvic floor physical therapists at Greater Boston Urology. In her spare time, she loves skiing, hiking, and exploring new restaurants in Boston.